How to Maintain your Self-Tanner.


Hey lovelies! This is the last part of my little ‘Self-Tanning Series’, now this is the tricky part, almost every question affiliated with self-tanning is, “How do I make my self-tanner last?” Well, I’m here to save the day again with some tips on how to maintain that beautiful glow.



-I know I keep mentioning this, but this is another very important part. If you don’t moisturize your skin once a day, your skin will dry up, and the tan will look really bad. Trust me, this has happened a few times to me.


+Don’t shave for a week at a time

-Depending on your hair growth, I would say leave a gap of a week so your tan can get settled before you shave. If you shave too frequently, this can potentially ruin your tan.


+Don’t shower as much

-This might sound disgusting, but don’t shower every single day. Go for about every other day, if you shower too much you can fade the tan. If you don’t shower enough, your tan can look dirty and muddy.



-Don’t exfoliate at all, if you use a loofah or even a rag, this will leave blotchy spots on your skin, and fade your tan a lot quicker.


This is basically the easiest part of the self tanning, keep up on the self-tanner and use as directed.


Happy tanning,




How to Use Self-Tanner.

Hey lovelies! I’m back again on how to use self-tanner. Self-tanner can be a scary thing to use, but don’t worry your pretty self, I’m here to save the day.




+Glove up

-This is very important for the application, these gloves will be a life saver so you don’t have to walk around with pumpkin hands for the next week. Just any latex gloves will do. I like to use some left over (unused) hair dye gloves. If you are allergic to latex, make sure to use latex-free. If you don’t have access to any latex gloves, or just forgot to pick some up. Make sure to wash your hands RIGHT AFTER the application. p.s. use a bit of Vaseline on the rough spots of your body


+Take a deep breath

-Everything is going to be fine, I promise. Just don’t psych yourself out.


+Pump a tiny bit of tanner on.

-Remember, less is more. Only start with small amounts so you can have an even layer. Most gradual self tanners are very build-able, and you can maybe add one extra layer the first application to jump start your tan a lot more quickly.


+Work from the bottom, up.

-Don’t start on your arms first. This almost everyone’s first reaction, you want to start just above the ankle, and work your way up. Save the ankles, elbows, and knees for last. You should finish at your arms/chest.



-Remember to feather your self tanner down to your ankles and every other rough spot. The feathering technique will make the tanner look more natural on the rough places.


+Take gloves off

-After you take your gloves off, take a tiny bit of the tanner and feather it on the tops of your hands.


+Wash hands

-This only applies to the people who didn’t use gloves. Remember to wash well… WITH SOAP


+Wait 15 minutes  to dry, and 1 hour to dress.

-Wait 15 minutes with your arms up and no movement, this will help just set the tan. If you’re home alone, stay naked for an hour, this will completely dry the tan. If you have people in the house whom you’re not comfortable to be naked around, wear a big, dark, t-shirt, and wear a pair of dark loose fitting shorts that you don’t mind getting dirty. Avoid sitting on rough furniture while drying, stand for a bit.


Congratulations, you have survived your first self-tanning application.


Remember to use as directed, if it says use once a day. You better use that sucker either once a day.


Happy tanning,


How to Prepare for Self-tanner.

Hey lovelies! I’m writing today to give you a few ways to prepare yourself for your self-tanner.

Now I know self-tanners can be a pain, but when you get that beautiful colour that you’ve longed for, it will be totally worth it. I like to use gradual tanners, preferably Jergens Natural Glow. But gradual tanners or not, you need to follow these steps so you can have a smooth application, with no hassle.

+ Exfoliate

-Now everyone has heard this before, but I want to stress this because it is such an important step that you CAN’T skip. Exfoliating will leave you with smoother skin and smoother skin=streak-free application. This also softens up the rough spots that you still might have from the Winter. Since the  ankles, knees, elbows, and hands are more rough, this will make the self-tanner appear darker, maybe even orange depending on the product itself. You’re going to want to exfoliate 2 nights in a row before using the self-tanner.


+ Shave

-This will give you a blank canvas to work on, this will also make your skin more smooth for application. Remember not to shave frequently though, since this will distort the self-tanner. Shave maybe once a week, depending on how fast your hair grows.


+ Moisturize

-Moisturizing your skin a week before application will soften up the skin, give your skin the vitamins it needs so your self-tanner wont dry your skin out. Right before the tanning application, put a tiny bit of Vaseline on your knees, hands, ankles, and elbows so the product won’t sink in as much. Which will reduce the orange looking spots. After using the self-tanner, wait an hour before using a thin layer of body butter so you can hydrate your skin. Apply liberally to your knees and rough places.


+ Get Mentally Prepared

-This might sound crazy, but get yourself mentally prepared before using self-tanner. It can be a scary thing, especially for beginners. Just don’t worry, and if you see you missed a spot later on, just fill it in and you’re good to go. REMEMBER: If you have a self-tanner that is dark in colour at first, DON’T freak out. It’s actually a lot easier to use instead of a regular cream, since you know where you’re going.



Happy tanning,




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